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Food; this is a no brain'er the problem is "COMBINATIONS"..!
Enrollment is Closed

About this Course:

This course is an exclusive feature of University of

Extended Class Description:


Food - Food101

Family, Friends, Students, Employees, and Employers.

How many items should we eat per day?

What's your Number..?  Enroll NOW!

Food - Food101

Hospital Food is said to be disgusting and tasteless.  However, hospital food is prepared, proportioned, and served in menu item combinations essential to maintaining life.  The nutritional value and balance of a hospital meal far exceed that of a home-cooked meal.

Happy Eating vs. Healthy Eating:  From childhood, people are trained to eat according to taste.  Food is prepared, served and consumed in item combinations.  Look at the following plate, does it represent a healthy dinner meal?


 Human Food Facts:

Humans are the only species on earth that eat in food-combinations. 

Humans are the only species on earth that drink liquids with their meal. 

Humans will eat 2 to 3 or more different types of meats in the same meal. 

Humans will eat 5 to 7 or more different types of meats in the same day. 

Humans will eat 4 to 7 or more items in a typical course meal.   

Humans consume 3 or 4 meals per day plus snacks which can easily add up to 12 to 20 different food items per day.  

Humans are the only species on earth that cook their food.

Humans are the only species that use plates, spoons, forks and other utensils to eat.


EATING SCIENCE:  The science of what, when and how we eat has changed dramatically over-time with the evolution of eating off-the-shelf store-bought products.   Most of the change is a direct result of city or urban living and eating off of a plate filled with food combinations.  Additionally, our bodies are trained to eating and consuming foods made from itemized-ingredient combinations made from family and modern-day recipes.  Sweeter, saltier, and spicy make better-tasting food, which is more popular and outsells healthier foods. 

What you will study:

Food Combinations - Eat Like a Baby

Eating is fundamental to life, a lot of people are very passionate about it.  This class examines the Art and Science of Eating, from a baby through an Adult.  Through fun and creative exercises and the Feed the Baby App, we study Food to determine if humans are eating properly.

This class covers: 

  • Food from Life, Land, and Water.
  • Do humans eat animals that eat meat?
  • Vegans, Vegetarians, and others.
  • Reading Product Labels
  • The number of items to have on your Plate.
  • Proportions, and Measurements
  • Eating Food that Tastes Good
  • Eating foods you don’t like.
  • Food eating is Cultural, Seasonal and Regional.
  • Dieting is all about control and retraining.
  • Simplifying Food Terminology – Starches, Fats, Enzymes, pH, Fiber, Gastrointestinal, Alkaline, Proteins, Acidic, Carbohydrates, and Sugar, etc.  Plus, defining chemicals listed on Product Labels.  (Words and terms that most people 90% do not understand.)

Food Awareness and Sensitivity Training

Food awareness and training can lead to Healthier Families, Students & Employees.  Thru a series of interactive game-like exercises students and employees earn a Food Health Certificate.

Please consult your doctor for the proper amount of Food or Diet and Exercise recommended for your height and weight.


Healthier students and employees have better Attendance Records.

  * WARNING!  Extreme Sensitivity and Awareness Training ahead, ENROLL TODAY…!

This class presents information about eating, drinking, exercise, that should not be construed as medical advice nor medical treatments.  Please see a doctor or discuss this course with your doctor to determine if it is right for you.  You will be asked to watch videos and view images that may instruct, suggest, or require you to do something.  All actions taken by you are voluntary and done of your own free will. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas may present healthy feedback to help provide health information that may be beneficial to our family, friends, coworkers, businesses and community neighbors.


We positively encourage you to enroll in this course.  Your friends, family, co-workers, and community are all impacted by the subject matter.  This class gives you a platform to study the issues, and respond to current events with the virtual goal of dynamically creating problem-solving solutions.

Tell-A-Friend, all are welcome!

Meet your Instructors;

Social Media Manager
George Marshal
Social Media Manager
Academic Manager
Mr. Donald
Instructional Manager
Guest Instructors
To be Announced
Industry Professional
University of America
University of America
Institution Team Class
To be Announced
Community - Group
Local Organization
To be Announced
Government Seal
Agency Endorsement
To be Announced
Notice(s):  Please visit our FAQ's page for more information about your Instructors for this class.
Subject Matter Interest:  Enrollment for classes and courses are driven by Subject Matter Interest.  To avoid conflicts of interest with Individual Personal Public Profiles, Ivy League Schools and Local Colleges the names of certain Instructors may, or will not be publicly published. 
 *Barack Obama is currently our most requested Celebrity Instructor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Class Requirements?

Any adult, college student or non-college student 18 years or older may complete the free and simple pre-registration process for this class without obligation.  However, official Government ID Verification will be required before any Certificates of Completion are issued…

This class does not require heavy or obscure memorization, complex math, or tons of classwork, however a commitment to ‘Researching Current Events’ and some ‘Social Networking’ is required. This class is complete-able in 4 to 6 weeks or less and requires a commitment of 2 to 4 hours per week. To complete this class students must satisfactorily complete and document all assigned course work, such as:

  • Respond to all Surveys and Polls.
  • Complete Recruitment Assignments.
  • Actively engage-in course Social Media Discussions.
  • Participate in all course related Educational Games.
  • Watch subject matter Videos and complete Assignments.
  • Actively engage-in and verify activity for "Education Tuesdays".
  • Score 80% or higher on all Topic Assessment Exams, if given.
  • And/or complete short Practical Writing Assignments.

Device Requirements = Smart Phone, Desktop, Laptop, Chromebook, or Tablet with an Internet connection capable of streaming YouTube videos.

Who should take this Class?
Anyone interested in, or personally impacted by the Subject Matter.  (See FAQ’s for more information.)
Is this class Accredited and Transferable?
YES..!  (See FAQ’s for more information.)
Do I have to PAY anything?
NO..!  This is a “FREE”, Community Service Education Class available to all.  (See FAQ’s for more information.)
When do Fees & Costs Apply?
Fees, and Costs Apply to administrative requests for documentation such as Certificates, Transcripts, etc., and programs that have costs to develop.   Employers frequently pay or may refund you for Class Certificates.  (See FAQ’s for more information.)

Is there a Certificate of Completion available, and how long do they last?

YES..!   Every Citizen in the U.S.A should have at least one Certificate of Completion.


Most Certificates are good for 3 years before the class should be repeated or an updated course is offered.   We do encourage our Guest or Celebrity Instructors to personally sign non-standard Certificates (added costs and limitations apply).


Earn a Verified Certificate of Completion,

the standard cost is $49.


Take the;

2 for 1



Certificate Image is Subject to Change without Notice.

Click the BUY NOW BUTTON above for the 2 for 1 Certificate Challenge.  Useable for any class.   The first 500 Verified Certificate Challenge Buyers will be entitled to;

  • 2 for 1 Verified Certificates for Life (one per person), 
  • future exclusive discount offers,
  • and priority Community Venture Opportunities.


Enrollment is FREE..!

See our Frequently Asked Questions page FAQ’s for more detailed information.

 Click here to  ENROLL



  •  Length:  6 weeks
  •  Effort:  2 to 4 hours per week
  •  Price:  FREE
    Virtual Community Service Course
  • Earn a:  Certificate of Completion $49
  •  Institution:
  • Training:  Workforce Development
  •  Subject:  Humanities & Behavioral Studies
  •  Level:  Introductory
  •  Language:  English
  •  Video Transcripts:  English
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*WARNING! - Sensitivity and Awareness Training

Today’s events or headlines may be tomorrow's "Lesson or Subject for Discussion"…

This class covers sensitive topics and requires critical thinking that may impact your personal growth and development. You should not take this class if you; intend to be dishonest, deceptive, or closed-minded about your personal feelings or opinions. Every participant in the class will have an open opportunity to express their genuine thoughts, outlook, and views in how they see the topics being discussed. Your opinion counts and your voice matters. The use of profanity or personal statements that may threaten any person, place, or thing is strictly prohibited. Please expect differences in opinions that may not agree with what you have learned or believe to be true.

The staff, and or the instructors reserve the right to remove any student without cause or notice.  All students are advised to take and complete the Sensitivity Training Class before this class.


Notice and Liability Disclaimer:   The social interactions and information presented in all classes or courses is for educational studies and is not intended to be a substitute for legal, medical or professional advice.  All participants are personally liable for their own conduct or behavior online and within the community.